The VPN that just works
The VPN that just works
Go further with the #1 trusted leader in VPN
30-day money-back guarantee

Secure access, worldwide
Connect reliably from anywhere, to anywhere. Our network of high-speed servers across 94 countries puts you in control.

Just one click to a safer internet
Going online doesn’t have to mean being exposed. Whether you’re shopping from your desk or just connecting at a cafe, keep your personal information more private and secure.

Use ExpressVPN on every device
Phone, tablet, computer, router—no matter where you are or what devices you’re using, a single ExpressVPN subscription has got you covered.

Stronger data protection
Take charge of your online privacy and security with best-in-class encryption.

Works seamlessly everywhere
Experience the internet the way it’s meant to be. On the go, or on your couch.

Lightning-quick connectivity
Our VPN network is built for speed, powered by next-generation technology.
What people are saying about ExpressVPN

Live, 24-hour customer support
Real support from real people. We’re available through instant live chat and email to help you set up and troubleshoot.

30-day money-back guarantee
Our VPN is easy to use. So is our guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your payment. No hassle, no risk.
30-day money-back guarantee